Pronumis is a company dedicated to the marketing of numismatic and coin investment goods nationally and internationally - via the Internet. We work in a wide numismatic area but we especially look for Portuguese Monarchy, Portuguese Republic and Euro Zone Coins as our main collectible product. Our mission is to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of our product, ensuring constant monitoring and acting with good ethical practices, improving and diversifying the offer in Numismatics in Portugal, with our main focus being our virtual store, our physical store and constant participation in the main national and European exhibitions.
Pronumis was created in 2014 by Daniel Pacheco, having professional experience in direct contact with clients in Numismatics since 2002, having acquired fundamental know-how in this area over the years. Good partnerships and commercial relationships with the best national and international houses allow us to offer our customers quality service and good market prices, seeking to build a stable and unique relationship with customers and also be a market player.
Our values:
High level of competence in researching new methodologies for our core business.
Quality and rigor
Seriousness, excellent service. Needs are identified in detail so that the development of your collection is efficient and effective.
Ethics and Integrity
Focus on moral and ethical principles. Integrity position in the market with a sense full of character, seriousness and honesty towards the proposed objectives.
Dedication and commitment to developing a Pronumis/Client partnership. Inspiring confidence in all our products and services.
We hope you become our customer and enjoy each visit, thank you in advance for your time.
Your Pronumis team,
Daniel Pacheco